40 year old Cheshire granny seeks some excitement in the bedroom

Hello ladies and gentlemen im a 40 year old granny to one and a lonely married lady who has a dull sex life. I’m so bored its unreal i have a few friends in a sexless marriage too and they too have tried internet dating and hooking up with men behind their hubbies back for casual sex, I’ve sat and listened to their sexy stories of their latest hook ups and decided i wanted to try so hi here i am ready and looking for no strings uncomplicated sex.

I wont be able to meet at my home as the husband works from home so we can meet around Cheshire not sure where but i suppose we can arrange that when we talk? I’m not into getting to know people and striking up a friendship before having sex i would just rather meet and get down to the dirty as that is all i want any way ) If like me you just want dirty no strings sex then please get in touch today and we can enjoy a few hours or so of hot passionate sex.