Mature divorced lady WLTM single older gentle man for friendship

Hello there im Maggie a divorced 60 year old grandma of four. Ive been feeling a little bit lonely for a while now and decided its time to put myself out there again and find myself an older companion. Im looking for a guy of 50 years of age or older for friendship and companionship, Im not into meeting up just for casual sex i want to spend the later years of my life in good company and doing things together.

I come from the Havant area of Hampshire so I’m hoping to find a nice gentleman from the same area or surrounding areas, Lets meet up for a nice quiet pub meal or maybe go for a walk in the countryside. If like myself your looking for fun and friendship then please dont hesitate yo get in touch with me. Please send me a genuine photo as i like to put a face to who i am talking too. Looking forward to hearing from you X